Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yandere-Chan Visual Novel Now Available

My first ever attempt at a proper visual novel is now ready to play.
The novel as a whole is fairly short (An hour or so, depending on choices made.).
Criticism is welcome, but please go easy on me.  Like I said, this is my first attempt at this.

PC Version:

Mac Version:

Have fun ^_^


  1. I played through all the options and I have to say, that was a really good visual novel. Yandere's aren't so bad once you get them to stop killing you. ^_^

  2. Well I can say it's a solid start what I would like to know is why she is so attracted to you, maybe because when she was a kid and lost her parents you comforted her or something. I also got an umineko feeling from the whole veal scene in anycase keep it up I'm sure you can improve on it but as it is it's solid, alittle short but solid none the less.

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  4. Hei there got interested with your novel keep up the Good work

    And Please make any Great novel Like this Again

  5. It was interesting. I liked it enough to tell you my thoughts of it. I hope this doesn't seem too harsh, that isn't my intention.

    There aren't frequent decision points. This isn't a bad thing, its a question of how you want to structure your story. But the autosave is not likely to be made anywhere near a decision point. You might consider using at decision points to make the story just a bit easier to traverse.

    Crazy talk != repetition. Some repetition is fine since crazy people (or sometimes even the sane) repeat themselves, but it doesn't move the story anywhere. Half of the repetition in the "virus" thread could be cut for a slight improvement (particularly near line 8638). Incidentally, if you wanted to add more branching to the story, that seems like a simple place to add it. You could choose the order you make your accusations in and let the story conclude when they had all been exhausted.

    On the good ending: The optimal choice for Protagonist would not be a job at a convenience store, but to get into a good psychology program at university. As a Psychologist he could spend more time with Mia if she was his patient. He could work to give her a more enjoyable life. Would that improve the story? I can't tell, it's just something that came to mind.

  6. Can this visual novel translate it? For explane: Dutch, Hungarian, Franche? Or not? (I have a friend, who want translate it (She is good at english), but she was to shy to ask it. And I can't talk good at english...)

  7. I finished with all of the bad endings, I have to say I am very impressed, I love your writing and recently I too was trying to write a story about a yandere and I feel your work helped me to get inspiration.
    To be honest I liked it, very much, I just wish It was longer, there are some plot points you could use to expand it like how they met (I guess some irrelevant point after her parents accident when they were little) and a second “best happy ending”
    While your happy ending was touching and I felt very realistic yanderes in most stories actually get “saved” and find a healthy happy life, I feel it would be just right to have something like that.
    Anyway as it is now I love, hope maybe one day it becomes bigger and thank you, I certainly enjoyed and liked reading it.

  8. I got the happy ending in 20 minutes. I am a smooth ladies man if I do say so myself. Great story, the good ending made me cry, no joke!

  9. Really f*cking good (yes i won't swear, even on the internet)

    At first the cute little art and such made me think this was some little pet project, like it was done within an hour of free time, but right after i got to plug my name in and go down the story, i got invested in my little yandere-chan.

    What really sells her is the personality, she clearly exhibits the traits of what she is, but done in such a damn cute way that you really can't help but love her (well... up until the train station, i guess certain people would view it differently there)

    Albeit, the choices were very few, it was an understandable reason (as the VN itself is very short). I managed all the bad ends in a row, before getting the happy end (which made the happy end that much better).

    Really (asides from whining about a much needed audio track) my only complaint is that i can't love her sooner. By the time i was prompted with choice #2, i wanted to ask her out on a date. It then saddened me when i died about two minutes later from a bad end. haha

    That all being said, AMAZING first novel by you sir (if i remember correctly, you did state this as a first) and i wish you only the best in the future (if, GOD WILLING, you look to do more in this medium (More yandere's please))

    I guess i'll leave with an arbitary rating bar (take with a grain of salt, for i'm no pro)

    Story 8/10

    Very engaging and fun, but you can tell it was made for a short story and thus a lot of lose ends and question are brought up with weak answers (if any)

    Characters 8/10

    Albeit, the only two characters with names are you and the cover girl, there are surprisingly other characters (nameless) and they have their own quirky personalities and so forth (Loved the Doctor).

    Setting 9/10

    A typical school setting surprisingly did wonders for this narrative. I'll be the first to admit that i felt a 'School Days' vibe from it, but if anything, that helped me become a bias reviewer here who can't help but love this VN

    Availability 10/10

    Unlike a lot of VN's that you have to torrent, patch, run a computer in japanesse local and ect... This novel is quick and easy to grab (the Url is right there in the top of this page) and in English so you can read and enjoy it knowing it is free of translation errors and so forth. A wonderful bonus for Vn's

    Overall 8.5/10

    Albeit i'm raving about how amazing it is, we can all admit this isn't a perfect 10 (although, in the term of a short story VN, it really is up there) I can actually rate this among seriously published VN's for just how good it is. The Main character is someone you can relate to (on some level or another) and you are actually drawn to the Yandere for more reasons that just having a personal preference for Yanderes (Else why would you play a VN with Yandere in the title?)

    So despite not being uber funded or super written by a staff of thirty-odd writers, this story really stands out as a quick and enjoying Visual Novel and helps you to enjoy this simple yet amazing medium. I hope this author gets all the support in the world and makes more

    Now a fan,
    Steven 'ZiGeNaToR' Ziegler

  10. I love this!!!! (10 Thumbs up)
    Keep up the good work. :D

  11. This was a fun little diversion for an evening. I must admit I was on the track for the happy ending the first time through but thought I picked the wrong answer, backtracked, got all the bad ends before I figured it out. I'm not sure I would have played through all of the ends otherwise but I'm very glad I did, made the Happy End very worth the effort.

    As far as the story went, being a girl in IRL, it was more about keeping on my toes in a thriller kind of way. Still, Mia had her adorable moments that made me go 'aww'. The character design was cute and at the first Bad End I got after spending lunch alone with her, her sudden change in expression and fade to black screen freaked me out a lot. Would have liked a little more on her backstory like how long she'd been stalking and when she became fixated on the PC (who I endearingly called 'Moron' since he had no idea what he ws jumping into) but given it was such a short story there's only so much content you can squeeze. I also appreciated in the 'Moron' wasn't a completely wimpy protagonist and had some survival skills when not caught offguard by Mia, as well as a compassionate heart given despite she had nearly killed him, he chose to help her anyway.

    As far as the ending went they were all relatively varied in execution (both in varieties of death and scenarios). Would have liked some more chances to make choices in some of the bad ends like The Poisoning and with the choice to go her house or not. Even if it didn't alter the outcome, I would enjoyed questioning her about when she lied, or been given the option to invite her to 'Moron's' house instead of going into an obvious trap, make it fun. 'The Poisoning' did have some repetitive dialogue which I made me skim after a while but aside from that, most writing was well executed. The Happy End was quite realistic and not what I expected at all. What I did expect was something similar to a dating sim, but this turned into something much more like a thriller for me and I'm happy it defied my expectations. The only nitpick I have about the happy end is that there was a lampshade in Mia room that probably could have been smashed and used as a pointy weapon if Mia had chose to use it. But aside from that no real issues with setting.

    All and all, a fun little game. This is the first time I actually played a visual novel and found very enjoyable. As far as future games go, I'd love to see something involving a Yandere Love Triangle with PC caught in the middle. The ultimate survival thriller (and I guess dating-sim for the boys and the ladies who swing that way) though the set up would make it similar to school days, I honestly haven't seen many with that set-up to begin with.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That was surprisingly touching. Thank you for writing it. I got quite a few laughs from the "dramatic irony", by which I mean the times the protagonist was painfully oblivious to the danger he was in. (Also I remembered her name no problem for the first question (: And I first died by trying to hide the evidence)

  14. This exceeded my expectations by far and I really enjoyed playing it. The good and bad endings all managed to surprise in some way or another. The text is well written and the music is appropriate. Good job!

  15. I played thru all the options and it was pretty good. I really enjoyed the music as well. Do you remember by any chance which song you had chosen that plays at the very, very end of the game when they are in the hospital (with the good ending)? I had checked the TAM Music Factory and Rengoku-teien websites for it because I love it, but I couldn't find it. I figured it would be under the "Healing" mp3 songs, but I didn't find it there or any of the other types (Pops, Piano, etc.). Any help would be appreciated!
    Domo arigatou gozaimasu!

    Hey NYODUDE what did you use for the live action in the 7th episode? and how do I find it?

  17. Let me suggest a few things you can do to improve the path where you argue about whether Mia is a liar.

    *The player can say "In the given context of an emergency, soon means 'within minutes' and not 'tomorrow morning'".
    *The player can say that "getting help" is an idiom that clearly does not mean helping oneself.

    Still, it's an excellent game with a storyline that I was hoping to see for a long time.

  18. The last "never-heard-from-again-end" might have not really been a true bad ending, just bad end in a traditional sense.

    They just went on a romantic get-away and together decided (or she "persuaded" him to decide) not to come back, she certainly had the money for it.

    I mean the guy´s mom was physically child abusing asshole, I wouldn´t blame him.

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  20. Hey,I am currently playing this game it is very interesting.One thing that i can't help but notice is that the music you chose is absolutely beautiful.I was wondering if you could possibly give me a list of the songs you used for this game?

  21. I liked it! Though I got the happy ending on the first try xD Hope you make more!

  22. I would like to do a 'Let's play' for every ending of the game. Please e-mail "" if you accept or decline.

  23. first i will say your welcome, for the thank you, in the train station at the beginning, second is i have not finished yet and i already love this VN

  24. I love this VN. Haven't heard much from Nyodude lately though...I hope they're okay.

  25. No Linux? I can't get the port to work, so I'm left without Yandere-Chan =(

  26. Woah, this VN was actually pretty good! I don't consider myself a fan of yandere girls (I'm more attracted toward the oldschool traits of the Tsundere), but I enjoyed it a lot. There were two endings I liked the most (the lovey-dovey one and the more "twisted", won't name them due to SPOILERS, but man they were awesome, especially for a short, indie VN).

    Also, if you ever consider a Spanish translation, I am your man! I am currently doing the translation track for English Language studies and would love some practise in software translation. If that's ok with you, shoot me a note in my website

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hello class. My name is Deadmeat!

    Now I know what you are thinking, "Why does he have such an awful ill-omened name?" will all be reading about it in the papers in the next few days.

    I would say I'm looking forward to getting along with all of you but let's face it...I'm Deadmeat!

  29. So I can't seem to get it to start at all....It shows up on my task manager, but only under background processes, and it never pops up for me. Clearly most people have gotten it to work, so I don't know what's wrong. Something to do with win32? Windows 8? I don't really know, but some input would be nice. A bit of an old post, but hopefully people still come by.

  30. I have played your game and find it outstanding. The yandere elements are really portrayed by Mia. What I'm interested is in simplicity of art. I'm working on a yandere game entitled "Stabbed by Memories" I would like to ask if your willing to work with me concerning the art. I think you'll find the story quite amusing. This is my email Send me a reply if your interested. I'll also send you the full details of the game.

  31. i'm new to video novels and I have to say even with the shortness of the story or the lack of routes i enjoyed this a lot more than some of the professional ones such as Fate Stay Night. This is the only game i hit a bad end in.
    I love the back ground art, it looked pretty good and the character design was great.
    Only thing i could ask for would be maybe more story lines and questions, and character designs for the fill in. Other than that this isnt bad at all.
    Sound kicks butt and the "sleep over" end freaked me the heck out.

  32. Could you make it possible to play on tablets, like an app of some kind

  33. Still a better love story than Twilight! (All jokes aside nice job on this!)

  34. I really liked it. Hate myself for it, but I laughed really hard in the raviole part. xD

    Hope we can see more VN like this in the future.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. The mac-version is down.. Could you upload it again please? I can't download it from modifier

  37. Can't download it from media fire. It makes me sad.

  38. I submitted a ticket to mediafire about the game getting taken down, but I don't expect much from it. Will you please re-upload it somewhere else so people can continue to enjoy what I hope is a a wonderful and entertaining game about yanderes?

  39. Mediafire link to the game is taken down..... i want to try the game,can someone share the game?

  40. If anyone is still looking for this game I found a copy of it on Fuwanovel's site. You can find it here:

  41. Joel Little, thank you brother, thank you for posting that link.

  42. Thanks for posting the link, you are a lifesaver my friend.

  43. My dear friend, I don't know if anyone else reads the comments here, but I want to express my deep gratitude to the creator of the game! Thank you very much! Very sincere, very cute, very good story, comrade, thank you again!
