Sunday, June 22, 2008

Higurashi Parody Fandub Ep 1

It's the pilot episode of HPF, so you know it's gonna suck!

But that's a given, after all pilot episodes are supposed to suck, because it's during this time that the characters and stories are still being developed, so voices and audio are guaranteed to sound sub-par.
But let's not forget, whilst pilot episodes are in one way the worst in the series, they can also be considered the best, because after all, without pilot episodes, there would be no following series.

So without further Amew...

*forced laughter*

I give you episode 1 of Higurashi Parody Fandub.


  1. i love this fandub to hell!! i mean i never watch or knew bout this anime till i started to watch this. w00t for u!!! =3 i mean u rock my flippin socks off!!! XP i mean the firstest ep just was so funny cuz i love tmm. it was my first manga. and man the english anime sucks so bad. and the wtf happened to the flippin story line people!!! TT^TT

    one of many fans...purple ringo! <3

  2. the first one's one of my favourites! K1 having different voice in the woods scene feels kinda weird, but i can't let it bother myself so it doesn't ruin anything!! woohoo! Kiss my ass, betch! Keiichi is running awaay!

  3. thank u sooooooo much for amking this i love this series as well as the actuall anime!

  4. ok, either it's my computer, or i'm extreamly, extreamly stupid, but uh, how do you download these. >.< i know, i'm an idiot. T.T

  5. how the crap do u download the episodes?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just A Minute Im Taking Off My Pantttsss

    Lol XD

  8. in the first 30 seconds that was your regular voice right?then it switched to the edited kiechi voice?

  9. 2013 and still love this. Still funny as hell

  10. Welp I might be a little bit late...Still waiting though.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
